Monday, December 7, 2020

Leonard Family - Lenoir Inez Leonard - 49 Days - page 9

about 9. Had to go up town to get bread. When they came back Frank honked the horn a long time so we would hear him. In about 9:30.

Tues. June 27: Grandpa Gandy's birthday and Mother's and Dad's 21st wedding anniversary. Up between 4 and 4:30. The truck wouldn't start for an awful long time. We got started a little after 6. We did not see the big bridge at Boone. We saw the State College and several brick kilns at Ames. We ate dinner in the truck about an hour. Mother had a bad head-ache all day. We stopped at Denison about 5 or 6 Lots of campers at the grounds, and kids, too. In about 8:18.

Wed. June 28: Up about 20 to 5, started at 6:12. Real good roads. Many hills. Drove to within 10 miles of Council Bluffs in the A. M. and stopped 20 min. for dinner. Passed several cars "in transit". Got to Fremont, Nebraska. Changed another plug in the touring car. Once the car stopped on the side of a hill. Billie held the car with the brake and I got it started easily, and we made the hill alright. We got our water bags and Pyrene in Council Bluffs. Got thru Omaha fine, after inquiring 3 times for the way. One place we saw a big grey truck. Went into camp at Fremont about 15 to 5. The gray truck came in about 6.

Thurs. June 29: Up about 4:30. Left camp about 6:20. The

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