Sunday, December 6, 2020

Leonard Family - Lenoir Inez Leonard - 49 Days - page 3

Played-Cleo piano, Aunt Minnie violin, and me cornet.

June 11, Sunday: up late-no church. To park about 4 P M came back. Dad, Aunt Minnie, Lois, Cleo and myself about 6:10 - got lunch, took it to park. All came home about 8> Played. Three girls,piano; Aunt Minnie, violin; Mother, mandolin; cornet ---. Danced a while, to bet about 10, after reading Wilhelm's letter again. Saw Ellen Halverson at Monona Lake, played with ball, it went in lake-I waded in after it. Aura went to sleep on the couch. I roused her and helped her upstairs. While she was undressing, she opened her eye wide and said "how'd I get upstairs?' Then, after while she aske me "Do you know why I went to sleep?" I told her probably because she'd been at the Lake and was tired. She answered "Because I was sleepy".

June 12- Monday: Up late, send cards. Flirted with the grocery boy. Winnifred hollered and disappeared. He told me to go home and grow up. Winnifred went down stairs and told it. Did dinner dishes. Down town in P M. About 5:30 visited library. Ate supper at the Y. W. C. A. - cost 3 of us 99c[ents]. Went down past "Main High" - walked around square. Met Anne, at Parkway Show, and say "The Unchartered Seas", and part of a serial. From window saw fellow on a bench on the square - hands between knees and feet pigeon-toed, with head down. Home about 10 P.M.

Tuesday, June 13: Up late, Cleo and I last for breakfast, helped wash. Letter to Shorty, read a bit in book. Took anap. Theo and Berwyn and Bruce McKenzie over after supper, Billie and I went for ride with them. Broke a piece off my round comb, gave it to Teddy-- date for a ride to talk with Teddy, Wed, P M. Bruce an awful tough. He's from Chi. Folks to show.

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