Monday, December 7, 2020

Leonard Family - Lenoir Inez Leonard - 49 Days - page 11

being dried for hay to save it from the army-worms. The county seats are the largest towns in this part of the country. Large fields were full of sweet-clover. At Lexington we saw an air-plane in a field. We had our gasoline tanks filled there, and saw a boy spill a pail eggs. In the alfalfa fields we was [saw?] many stacks of hay. One farm we passed was a 500-A ranch of irrigated potatoes. Lots of irrigation ditches were filled full of water. We travelled late and camped in North Platte, where we found good camp-grounds. We went to bed about 9, Billie and I in the tent on the ground. The wind started to blow and blew up a rain. We went into the truck about 12.00 o'clock.

Saturday, July 1: The folks were up at 5 by our time, and I, did not get up until 8. Dad found out that the big gray truck got stuck on a side-road and it took several cars to get it out. It rained so hard that lots of the cars are going to stay in camp. the gray truck  probably was in Lexington last nite. We took shower bath and washed clothes while Dad fussed around the cars. One of two fellows in an Essex, who were staying in camp all day, bro't over three guns for Dad to keep while they went down town. He was showing Dad about one gun and it went off, the bullet went thru the tent, thru the front door and lodged between the lining and the iron of the right front door, which it bent but did not go thru, Not much of anything of great interest happened after that. In the afternoon we watched the boys make a table and after supper we played the victrola until about about 9:20 and then went to bed. Billie on the cot and me on the canvas on the floor. Dad slept on the top bunk of the truck. At 12:30 it started to rain. I picked up my bed-clothing and crawled in with Billie (SARDINES). Up fair-

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