Monday, December 7, 2020

Leonard Family - Lenoir Inez Leonard - 49 Days - page 17

and a cement plant and some jail prisoners working on the road. Found a fairly good camp and made it better by cleaning it up and leveling it off. Norman and Billie worked, the rest watched and Pa and Norman Will went down town. we also built a fire-place between the tents.

Wednesday, July 12: Folks up about 8. Dad and Will and Norman worked on their cars. About 10 A.M. Dad and Will went down town. They got travelers' checques and the food supplies for the day. Came back about 1:00, then we had dinner. At 3:00 P.M. we, the rest of us went down town. We saw the Mormon buildings, the assembly hall, the tabernacle, the temple, the old log house and the beautiful lawn and flowers. After trading a bit we went back to camp and had a late supper. We sat up rather later than usual listening to the Darkie and Irish stories, dad and Will were telling.

Thursday, July 13, '22: Left salt lake City about 8:30 A.M. We got short cut dire ctions to the Lincoln Highway and missed the corner. We went to Murray, and came back. We then struck the HiWay near Granger Depot. Just as we entered Garfield, a fellow came up from the right and we almost ran into him, because he didn't stay on his own side of the road and wait for us. We passed hills, smelters and found a hot strip near Tooele, and both our engines boiled. We ate lunch at Tooele, but saw nothing of the folks, whom we missed before we got to Murray. We left Tooele about 12:15 and found a hot streak up to Johnson's pass, where it was cooler. we stopped at Willow Springs for water. Arrived at Orr's ranch about 3:25. We got a little gas and s ome water. When we came to the abandoned county well, it was 15 minutes to 6 and the sun was high in the sky. The roads were rough. We got to Granite Mountain about

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