Monday, December 7, 2020

Leonard Family - Lenoir Inez Leonard - 49 Days - page 16

Monday, July 10: Up about 10 min. to 5. Everybody kidded Billie Norman. Left about 6:00A.M. We crossed the Green River for which the drink was named. At Green Rive (the town) we saw a flag pole up on top of a big rock. It could be seen long before the town. The electric lights were burning, yet in Green Rive and it was around 7:00 A.M. We had wonderful roads, with beautiful scenery. My cactus pland was in bloom. We saw many beautiful cactii. One group of plants and blossoms formed a perfect flower bed. Norman dug a cactus pland for Mrs. Pegg and then he dug one for me (the flowers were yellow). We saw sage in bloom and picked some and put them under press. We saw a beautiful rock to the left, and we kids went up on it a way, and Dad took a picture(which turned out so good). The rock was gray and mother picked up a piece for me. All along the road we saw some dar[k],, hard, shiny stones. Several bluebirds flew around. Winnifred drove a while. Dad had a black tack in his tire, near noon. The folks were gone. We ate dinner on the drive We killed our engine on a steep hill. Dad's car stopped and he had quite a time to get it to go. Norman was with him. The rest of us went to town and found the camp. We picked flowers. In the evening, Dad and Will took the truck down and had it filled. We 3 kids took the touring car down. We went to the ice-cream parlor and got back about 9:30. Evanston.

Tuesday, July 11, '22 --new diary: Up early. Left about 15 to 6. Had some awful bumpy roads. Drove thru the mountains all day and several had snow. Our fan belts bother lots. We saw some little dark animals frolicking in the road. Some of them had holes in the middle of the road.. The country looked more prosperous the mountain streams were numerous; and the lands were irrigated. We saw a couple of national forests, the Salt Lake City water works

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