Monday, December 7, 2020

Leonard Family - Lenoir Inez Leonard - 49 days - page 20

   Wednesday, July  19--still a little stormy- bad wash-out down the middle of the main street. Quite well settled in camp.

Thursday, July 20--Just out of Austin found alkali flats all washed out. Water still running across. Saw some cowpunchers in the Alpine Ranch. We were going to flirt with them, but didn't have nerve enough when we got close to them. Travelled alkali flats all day. Passed Frenchman's camp. Crossed irrigation ditches, which they called canals, just before we went into Fallon. Late into camp. Electric plate and nice camp ground.

Friday, July 21--Filled at tanks at an oil station(almost)(civilized), nice little town. Dad was talking to marshal and was advised to stay, plenty work. Came to Carson City over short cut. Poad not well-graded. Carson City--in Garage for gasoline. King's Canyon Grade, good but steep. 2 Spanish people were stopped along the side of the road on the way up, and thoman had just killed a big rattle snake. 11 rattlers. Some grade. Truck stuck, Mother and I slid down hill in time to see truck going fairly good. Climbed back up. Pine trees were big, and we gathered some pine-needles. Awfully tired at night. Wonderful scenery where we camped, along Lake Tahoe, south of Glenbrook Inn.

Saturday, July 22-Up early in morning. Made grade of over 1000 ft. in11 miles. Mother and I walked most of the way. One place we could see other cars right straight above us. Look-out house at the summit. Down thru Strawberry, Kyburz, Riverton, and struck pavement at Placerville. Heavenly, is the way the pavement felt to our tired travel-sore bodies. Saw fig trees, vineyards, orchards and so on. We were HOMESICK for some green grass. Everything looked dead and sickley. Camped at Perkins, short distance from Sacramento.

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