Monday, December 7, 2020

Leonard Family - Lenoir Inez Leonard - 49 Days - page 18

7:30 and set up camp. There were some people there from California and the younger fellow (Jimmy) came and talked to the folks after I had gone to bed. The water was awfully warm and the air was too. We watched for the folks.

Friday-- we left about 7:00. We soon crossed the mud flat where there were 17 miles of Goodyear Road across the alkali. About 2/3 the way across, we helped a big maroon car out of the alkali. which was wet and slippery and very deceiving because it was crusted. Just as we got across the dessert four New York boys drove up, while we were cooling our engines. They asked Dad if he was Fred Leonard and told us Will was back in Tooele with a broken crank case. He wanted us to go back, and we would have if we had not had the dessert be tween us. We got in Gold Hill after some pushing up hills and after pulling a car upa hill. We bo't things there for dinner. The water was bad and had arsenic in it. In Gold Hill we saw old smel-waters, mines, and kilns. Oh! but that was a desolate country.
(That is all I have recorded while touring, the remainder I have added while getting this read for binding.)

The time in the part of the trip reported in the following was taken from a map, where it was recorded while traveling.

Friday, July 14: Gold Hill, 11:25. We ate lunch at the summit, where the thermometer registered  99 1/2 degrees. We got some water at Ibapah, where there was a house and a store, and where we had to draw the water from the well in a "bucket" (as they called it). Crossed the Utah-Nevada line at 3:02. Arrived at Tippetts Ranch at

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