Monday, December 7, 2020

Leonard Family - Lenoir Inez Leonard - 49 Days - page 7

a tablet and some envelopes. Early in the evening Joy and I and Dorothy and Ethil. Went to Cedar Falls in a bus. Went to a show. The Way of a Woman, at the Regent. Caught the 10:15 bus back. It came by way of the west side. Just past the electric park we saw a big fire. We got off and watched the foundry burn. Joy's friend Lee came along and we went over in the field to watch it. A few minutes to 12 we started home on his motorcycle. It was a lot of fun, too. Just heaps. There was no side car on his motorcycle. We didn't get to bed until about 12:30.

Thurs. June 22: Up about 8:25. Grace and we girls took our lunch over to Lafayette Park. Watched the bathers and the rest. Home early and on the way back we went thru the mausoleum in the grave-yard.  Came home and went to sleep on the front room floor.

Fri. June 23: In the morning we went down town and up on Black's building and looked out over the town. Bo't a souvenir and several things. We walked down and rode back. In the afternoon we laid down and slept. In the evening the "Ginger Jars" came over. We went over to the drug store and got "gold dogs" the rounds. They we went to the church to practice for Children's Day Program.

Sat. June 24th: Up Late. Grace and I spent an awful nite. Didn't get to sleep until after 12 and woke up before 3 and then went to sleep before 4. Up awful late. Called the girls at Cedar Falls three times. Nothing extra during the day. Went to the Electric Park after supper. Went on the Merry-go-round. Billie and Winnifred went on the airplanes. We saw the free show, watched the dancers etc. When we went home, DeWayne, Merna, her folks and their kids and Alaric were at the house. We girls, all but Winnifred, slept in the tent. Stayed in bed 'till about 7,

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